MARVEL is an autonomous, self supporting institution started in 1987 with seed support from Andhra-Pradesh Government. A Major Goal of MARVEL is to impart a uniquely broad & interdisciplinary education of the highest academic quality. This is achieved through an integrated curriculum that consists of a highly diverse set of educational course, interdisciplinary research projects, interaction with industry, preparation in entrepreneurship & personality development courses. Research centers aimed at developing MARVEL for real-life problems, provide students with opportunities for involvement in problem solving & innovation. Major regional & National companies are actively involved in MARVEL's academic programme through their corporate schools on the campus.These include PSINET.MOTOROLA, SATYAM, ORACLE, BHEL LTD(HYD) NRSA(HYD), MIC electronics, HYDRO-ELECTRONIC POWER PROJECT, CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF TOOL DESIGN etc. OBJECTIVE: The Primary Objectives of the Institute are , " To Provide for and otherwise promote education and research in the field of Technology, Science, Humanities, Industry, Business & Public Administration , Aviation and to collate & disseminate in such fields effective ideas, methods, techniques and information as are likely to promote the material and industrial welfare of India" "To Train young men & women able & eager such ideas, methods, techniques and information." MARVEL'S VISION:
MARVEL adopted the Semester system, Modular structure of course s, Continuous and Internal Evaluation, letter grading etc... It also created Institutionalized linkages with the Industries .Over a period of time, the Institute also developed several flexible Educational Programs. MARVEL imbibes in its students a sense of responsibility towards the society at large & also sensitive them towards the Moral & Ethical values to make them highly Responsible citizens of MOTHER INDIA.