
All the hostels are provided with dining halls, uninterrupted water supply, reading halls, round the clock STD, ISD booths, Internet connection, indoor recreation, TV. Viewing, round the clock Medical and Transport facilities. Vehicles are arranged for inmates to visit the city of Hyderabad on Sundays and other holidays and also on working days if requested by sufficient number of students.

Hostel facilities make students feel at home and pursue their education in a peaceful environment. Library is open till 9 P.M. everyday and book exhibitions are conducted in the campus. Internet Lab is available round the clock and canteens & food centres are open from 6 A.M. to 10 P.M.


Admission to the hostels:

Application for admission to the hostels should be made in the prescribed form. A student seeking hostel admission must give an undertaking in writing that he/she will abide by the rules of the hostel. The parent or gaurdian shall endorse this.

Hostel Rules:

  1. A hostellite will have to stay in the room allotted to him/her with on other inmate.
  2. Inmates of each room are jointly responsible for the furniture, fittings, etc., and any damage to the hostel property is recoverable from them.
  3. Guests or outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering the hostel premises without prior permission of the warden in-charge.
  4. Students may be expelled from the hostel for violation of rules and misconduct such as : theft, ragging, abnormal behavior, use of drugs and alcohol, indiscipline.
  5. The management reserves the right to refuse any applicant to the hostel. In matters of admission and discipline the decision of the management is final.